Business Opportunity

We know how overwhelming it is to start a business with a great need for machineries and manpower as this can require bigger capital investment. At Siaway, we help other booming businesses too!

Send us your idea, concept, or design

We will confirm and discuss feasibility of the said product

Finalize design, render, and await client's confirmation

Proceed with product development and sampling

Deliver newly developed product to client and await confirmation

Mass production

We can develop exclusive designs fit for your business niche, sample them, and ultimately produce them in mass quantities while offering competitive pricing in mind. We are open for private labeling/branding and can export worldwide.

Contact us at so we can help you get started!

Contact Us

We accept personalized/customized and bulk orders. Contact us or send us a message for further details.

Business Address

MV Patalinghog Jr. Avenue, Hawaiian Road, Marigondon, Lapu-Lapu City (OPON), Cebu, Region VII, Philippines, 6015